Jim Reinders & Family: Car Henge 

A artist and piece i came across which is pivitol in my research of creating artwork out of car parts is Jim Reinders, Car Hange.

Much like the original stone Henge the composition and placement is structured and well placed, however the use of cars is envident, and scattered and placed everywhere around the whole piece.

The piece is perfect in everywhere for me and my research, the use of cars themost influencial and enjoyable aspect in my eyes, but also he uses decisiveness in the way he has placed the cars, they are just put anywhere in the hope they look okay, they are thought out and placed where he thinks they will hold the best value and really catch the eye, whether it was on the floor or placed up on top of the rocks verything has been thought out, which is something  really have to think about then creating my installations, the use of the carparts has to be really thought out, they have to sit in well placed mannor, and compliment each other, somethin i think Jim Reinders has done extremely well.

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